My Writings

I have several stories in progress that I am hoping I will some day be able to turn into published books. This all started as an entertainment ploy that I did with my children as a way to distract them, or keep them entertained. We started making up stories together or they would ask me to tell them a story at bedtime, or waiting for a doctor's appointment, and so on. These stories were always on subjects that I knew would be of interest to to them in particular. What I found is that once we put the stories together, they were quite sweet, some eductional, all entertaining, and I started to put them down on paper. Low and behold, others seemed to like them too. So, I guess I'm now an aspiring writer!

As I build this site and perfect my stories I will add them to this blog site. Feel free to share them with your friends if you think they too would find them interesting. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy!

The Tambourine Prince
Music is inspirational to us all. In The Tambourine Prince music doesn’t come easily to the main character but once he understands that music comes from the heart, he is able to spread joy everywhere and his music takes him to magical places. This 365 word poem is both whimsical and heartwarming. I hope to someday turn this into a children's picture book.

The Great Big Thing
Inspired by my son's love of tape measures, rulers and all things that measure, and seeing that this is apparently a love that many boys share, The Great Big Thing is a sweet short story about a surprise that a young boy finds when he finally finds something that he can't measure. It's a little heart warming and a fun story for little ones to hear with a great message of love. 

On The Bright Side - Optimism from a Pessimistic Mother
A book in progress, On The Bright Side - Optimism from a Pessimistic Mother is a comical mix of optimistic notes on pessimistic comments from a mom’s daily life with her family. The concept is that it is to be a supportive message to all moms who go through the same daily struggles and give them a glimpse of humor in the stresses that can be part of our day. This book is the inspiration for Kirsten's blog.

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